Rama Cannabis Terminology



Adapter: An accessory that attaches to a bong (or another weed consumption tool) to make the process of consuming cannabis easier.

Agitation: The process of breaking off and harvesting trichomes from the cannabis flower through physical action.

Alcohol Extraction: Using alcohol (either ethyl or isopropyl) to strip the oils and trichomes from cannabis buds. Afterward, the alcohol goes through an evaporation process, and all that’s left is a strong, sticky hash oil.

April 20th (4-20): International day for cannabis pride.

Ash Catcher: An accessory that helps to keep the water of your pipe/bong clean by preventing ash from falling into it.

Atomizer: A vape pen’s heating element that ultimately converts the liquid into vapor as a user inhales. There are several types of atomizers, but drip tips are the most thorough.

Rama Vape
Rama Cannabis Orillia
Cannabis Accessories Bongs
Cannabis in Orillia


Backcross: A backcross is a type of breeding that allows the transfer of a desired trait from a parent plant.

Banger: A glass, quartz, ceramic, or titanium dish used to vaporize cannabis concentrates. You’ll find a banger on a bong or dab rig with a small bead inside for even distribution of the concentrated cannabis.

Bhang: A traditional edible preparation of cannabis in liquid form.

Blasting: Using a solvent to create hash oil. The solvent is passed – or “blasted” – through the cannabis plant material.

Blunt: A blunt is created by dumping out the tobacco of a store bought cigar then re-rolling the cigar with marijuana. Two popular cigar brands to use to roll a blunt are Phillies Blunts or Dutch Masters. Blunts are popular because the wraps come in many shapes, sizes, and flavours, and can hold a large amount of marijuana. Typically lasting 30 minutes or longer, the blunt is perfect for parties or when smoking with friends. Just a heads up, the wrap contains nicotine so if you are anti-tobacco you should opt out of hitting the blunt.

Bong: A water pipe apparatus used to smoke weed. It can be made out of glass, plastic, or ceramic, and consists of a bowl and a stem. After the weed is heated in the bowl, smoke travels through the neck of the bong where the user inhales through a mouthpiece.

Bong Water: The water contained within a bong that cools and filters the smoke before it is inhaled. This water quickly becomes dark and dank, and every consumer knows that spilling it is a major party foul.

Borosilicate Glass: Borosilicate is glass that can tolerate variations in temperature, making it perfect for making pipes. The preferred type of glass for creating dab rigs and water pipes are made with silica.

Bowl: The part of any smoking apparatus that holds the weed. In a bong, the bowl is a removable attachment, but in a pipe, it’s simply the bowl-like compartment at the end.

Bubble Hash: A cannabis concentrate made up of countless separated trichomes. Making bubble hash requires ice water and screen bags. The name comes from the bubbling that happens when the finished product is exposed to a flame.

Bubbler: A bong-pipe hybrid that uses a water chamber to filter and purify the smoke before inhalation. It’s similar to a bong in that sense, but the main difference is that a bubbler is small enough to fit in the palm of your home (just like a pipe).

Bud: The flower of a mature cannabis plant that is ready to be smoked, dabbed, vaped, etc. Bud quality is determined by aroma, colour, density, and cannabinoid content (like CBD and THC).

Budder: A wax-like hash oil concentrate that contains a very high THC content – a quality budder usually tests at 70% THC or higher. It gets its name from its butter-like consistency and texture.

Budtender: An employee who works behind the counter of a dispensary and is knowledgeable about cannabis strains. Just as a bartender would tend to the bar, a budtender tends to a dispensary’s buds.

Butane Hash Oil: BHO for short, this concentrated hash oil is made by blasting marijuana flowers with butane solvent. After the butane evaporates from the THC/butane mixture, you’re left with a waxy, amber-coloured resin.

Buzz: A Slang name for the pleasant euphoric effect created from Marijuana use.


CBD Oil: Abbreviation for Cannabidiol, one of 85 known cannabinoids found in cannabis. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one of the 111 cannabinoids found in cannabis. It does not provide the high that is associated with consuming cannabis. Research is currently being conducted on the use of CBD to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. Cannabis products typically list both the THC and CBD content on their packaging. Cannabidiol, a relatively non-psychoactive medical cannabis extract, similar to the Charlotte’s Web strain developed for Dravet syndrome. An oil-preparation of CBD (cannabidiol) that typically contains little to no THC (the chemical compound that produces the high associated with cannabis.) CBD oil can refer to a product meant to be ingested or used in a vaporizer.

Cannabidiol (CBD): Cannabidiol, CBD for short, is just one of the many chemical compounds that make up the cannabis plant. It’s got tons of medical benefits, and unlike THC (the other main compound in cannabis), CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive properties.

Cannabinoid: We just mentioned two cannabinoids – CBD and THC – but there are many more (some sources say that there are well over 100). Each of these compounds reacts with the receptors of the human body in different ways, and some have major benefits.

Cannabinoid Profile: The amount of all cannabinoids in the plant.

Cannabinol: A mildly psychoactive substance found in cannabis, abbreviated CBN.

Cannabis: A specific genus of the flowering plant species that is indigenous to Central Asia. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, but recreational cannabis used spiked significantly in the 1990s.

Cannabis Consumption: Ways cannabis is consumed to experience psychoactive or therapeutic properties. Which include cannabis foods, lotions, oral tinctures, smoking, and vaporizing.

Cannabis Edibles and Extracts: Psychoactive products made from cannabis, including bhang, cannabis tea, charas, concentrates, honey oil, live resin, shatter, wax, hash oil, hashish, kief and, tincture of cannabis.

Cannabutter: Cannabutter is butter that’s been infused with cannabis. It’s typically used for making edibles. Other fats often used for cannabis baking and cooking include olive oil or vegetable oil.

 Capsule: A cannabis capsule is a pill that contains some sort of concentrated weed oil. This could be THC, CBD, or a combination of the two. Capsules are common among medical marijuana patients since they’re easy to administer.

Carb Cap: This dabbing accessory works to restrict airflow and trap heat so that a cannabis concentrate can become vapor at a lower temperature. It’s a great tool for preserving the flavor of the concentrate.

Cartridge: Often called a “cart”, this is a pre-filled container of cannabis oil that’s typically used for vape pens or vape rigs.

Caviar: Caviar refers to cannabis buds that have been coated in cannabis oil. Often, the buds are then dusted with kief. They result is an extremely potent product that looks similar to its namesake. The term caviar is used interchangeably with moon rocks.

CB1 & CB2: Receptors in the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) of the human body. Cannabinoids in marijuana attach onto each of these receptors and can either create an intoxicating effect (when THC latches onto CB1) or help with health problems like inflammation (when CBD latches onto CB2).

Certificate of Analysis: A document issued by either an internal tester or third-party lab that certifies that the cannabis product meets a certain set of standards. Many COAs include info on the following; cannabinoids, terpenes, heavy metals, pesticides, microbes, mycotoxins, moisture content, water activity, residual solvents, and the presence of foreign materials.

Cheeba: Cannabis has many street names, and Cheeba is one of them.

Chillum: A traditional clay pipe for smoking cannabis.

Clone: A cannabis clone is a genetic copy of another cannabis plant. Like most plants, clones can be created by removing a cutting of the original (or “mother” plant) and cultivating that cutting like you would a cannabis plant which had freshly sprouted from seed. A starter cannabis plant, cut from the mother plant and will have similar yields. This refers to a clipping from a cannabis plant, which can then be rooted and grown through a cloning process of the mother plant, from which the clone was cut.

 Cloning: Is a technique for propagating cannabis in which a piece of the mother plant is removed and placed in a grow medium, where it produces new roots and becomes a new plant.

Closed-Loop Extraction: Close-Looped Extraction is an extraction device that creates cannabis concentrates without exposing solvents to open air; the device maintains pressure using a solvent to strip the cannabis material of cannabinoids and terpenes, often separating the two for reintroduction to processed products A method of chemical extraction that reuses the solvent rather than dispersing it into the air. This method is considered safer than “open-blasting” and is currently required for all legal concentrate production in Canada.

CO2 Oil: C02 is a supercritical fluid which means that it transforms into a liquid when pressurized. CO2 Oil is the extraction device used will freeze and compress CO2 gas into a “supercritical” state that is used to gently extract compounds without damage or denaturing. CO2 oil is a cannabis concentrate, made from the Supercritical CO2 extraction process. Supercritical CO2 is a fluid state of carbon dioxide held at or above the critical point of temperature and pressure, which can be used as a solvent in the cannabis extraction process.

CO2 Extraction: When flower is pushed through a CO2 extraction machine, the cannabinoids are separated from the fatty lipids and waxy material of the cannabis plant, producing a sticky, potent concentrate known commonly as oil. Some CO2 extraction methods can separate the flavour and aromatic molecules from the plant during this process. Other methods include the removal of these flavour & aromatic molecules before extraction begins so they can be reinfused into the oil after it is extracted.  CO2 extraction is a type of supercritical fluid extraction used to maximize the cannabinoids and terpenes of the marijuana plant while still maintaining their delicate structure. A supercritical fluid behaves both like a gas and like a liquid-diffusing through solids like a gas but dissolving compounds like a liquid. The supercritical CO2 goes through a series of extraction vessels at specific pressures and temperatures, flooding the ground plant material and extracting those clean cannabinoid profiles. It is then separated and filtered from the plant material and, after the extraction is complete, a drop in pressure allows the excess CO2 to evaporate, leaving the cannabis oil behind. The benefit of CO2 extraction is that it is naturally occurring and leaves behind no residues. Other examples of CO2 extractions in the food industry include the extraction of flavour oils from hops in the brewing industry and extraction of caffeine from coffee beans. Fun Fact: Most concentrates are made using shake, trim and undesirable buds that aren’t fit to smoke.

Cola: Topmost flower bud on a cannabis plant. The cola is the top portion or flower cluster at the top of a cannabis plant. It is usually the largest flower cluster on the plant, although some plants will have multiple colas. The top flower cluster of a female cannabis plant.

Concentrates: Cannabis concentrates contain a high concentration of the most desirable cannabinoids, namely CBD and THC. Many concentrates are infused into edibles, tinctures, and topicals for more potent psychoactive effects or medical benefits.

Connoisseur: A particular marijuana enthusiast well versed in the nuances of cannabis and cannabis consumption.

Cotton Mouth: A common side effect of cannabis use where the mouth becomes abnormally dry. Luckily, experiencing cotton mouth is completely harmless, but it can still be uncomfortable and annoying.

Couchlock: Slang term for sedation without sleep brought on by high-THC cannabis.

Cross: to genetically combine two or more strains to create a new cultivar (strain) with properties of the parent strains that are being combined. A cross (referring to crossbreeding) is the result when two different plant strains are bred together. For example, Blue Dream is a cross between Blueberry and Haze strains.

Crumble: A type of cannabis extract that gets its name from the way it crumbles when handled. Crumble is usually used for dabbing, but it can also be sprinkled on top of buds in a blunt, joint, or bowl.

Crystalline: The purest cannabis extract there is, crystalline is formed by thoroughly refining cannabis oil. It serves as the base ingredient of many cannabis products.

Cultivar: Plant stain that results from the process of crossbreeding and genetic stabilization to express desired traits. A cannabis concentrate is exactly what it sounds like; a concentrated form of cannabis. Although the terms concentrate and extract are commonly used interchangeably, there are technically not the same thing. A concentrate is created using a mechanical or solvent-less process, while an extract is made using a solvent like CO2, butane, or propane. Common examples of concentrates include hash, rosin, or kief, and contain much higher levels of THC and/or CBD than what would be found in un-processed flower. Any cannabis material that has been extracted and refined to include only concentrated cannabinoids and/or terpenes. Concentrates are a potent consolidation of cannabinoids that are made by dissolving marijuana in its plant form into a solvent. The resulting product has very high THC levels generally more than flowers or hashish, and can produce varying products that range from thick sticky oils known as “BHO” to moldable goo called “budder” or “wax”, to resinous bits called “shatter”. Referred to by a variety of slang terms, the classification of concentrates is often dependent on the manufacturing method and the consistency of the final product. Concentrates are a potent consolidation of cannabinoids that are made by dissolving marijuana in its plant form into a solvent. The resulting product has very high THC levels (generally more than flowers or hashish), and can produce varying products that range from thick sticky oils (BHO) to moldable goo (budder/wax) to resinous bits (shatter). Referred to by a variety of slang terms, the classification of concentrates is often dependent on the manufacturing method and the consistency of the final product.

Cure: Cure is a prolonged process of removing moisture from cannabis flowers under controlled environmental conditions that affects the end quality of the product Cannabis plants, like all plants, contain sugars and starches (so the plant can store energy for later use). Locking cannabis flower in an airtight container for weeks or months allows for these sugars and starches to break down. The result? The flower is much smoother when smoked. The process of slowly drying flowers from the plant. Allows for a more gradual process to maximize flavour and smoke quality.

Cannabis Rama
Cannabis in Washago
Rama Cannabis Concentrates


Dab: A dab is a slang term used to refer to a dose of BHO received through butane combustion and inhalation. A common slang term for cannabis concentrate, dabs include any cannabis concentrate that is consumed by inhalation (usually by using a dab rig or dab pen to flash-vaporize the concentrate). A method where a “dab” (or very small amount of cannabis) of cannabis concentrate is placed on a preheated surface, creating concentrated cannabis vapor to be inhaled. A dab is a slang term used to refer to a dose of cannabis concentrates “dabbed” onto a redhot surface and inhaled. The act of “dabbing” refers to partaking in dabs.

Dab Rig: Sometimes called an oil rig, vape rig, or concentrate pipe, this apparatus is designed for vaporizing cannabis concentrates. It works similarly to a bong by filtering concentrated vapor through water before a user inhales.

Dabbing: Inhaling vaporized cannabis concentrates through a temperature-specific heating apparatus, like a dab rig, vaporizer, or e-rig.

Dank: A slang word used to describe cannabis that’s super high in quality and extremely potent.

Decarboxylation: In cannabis, the process of converting acidic cannabinoids produced by the plant into their more bioavailable neutral form, typically by the application of heat. Decarboxylation is the process that changes “THC-A” a cannabinoid in raw cannabis that has no psychoactive effects into THC, the chemical compound that produces a high. Decarboxylation occurs when cannabis is exposed to heat. For example, when you are smoking it or baking it in an oven. The THC-A must reach a temperature of at least 220 degrees Fahrenheit for this process to occur. Decarboxylation is a process by which, when exposed to heat, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid known as “THCA” is converted to THC and cannabichromenic acid (CBCA) is converted to CBC.

Decriminalize: When a government decreases the penalties associated with a specific crime. Possessing a certain amount of marijuana is a decriminalized crime in many countries.

Diesel: A specific family of cannabis. Diesel strains usually have powerful sativa effects and give off a strong aroma, similar to diesel fuel. Similar to dank, the word diesel can also be used to describe any weed that’s high in quality and potency.

Diffuser: A customized tube that’s usually placed at the bottom of a water pipe to increase bubbles and airflow. It makes each inhalation fuller, cleaner, and more flavourful.

Dispensary: A retail store that specializes in selling a range of cannabis products. There are now also online dispensaries that make it easier for Canadians to order weed online and have it delivered to their doorstep.

Distillate: A distillate is a super-concentrated cannabis product of a specific cannabinoid. It goes through a further refinement process past that of most extracts that removes any remaining chlorophyll or solvents. A distillate is mostly clear, mostly tasteless, and its concentration ranges anywhere from 80-90% of the desired cannabinoid.

Distributor: Someone who legally supplies cannabis products to consumers and businesses. Some of the biggest distributors in Canada are Aurora Cannabis, Canopy Growth Corp, and Cronos Group.

Doobie: Slang term for a “joint” or marijuana cigarette.

Dope: Another slang word for cannabis. It’s also used to describe the quality of the weed, and it’s even used for saying something is “cool”.

Downstem: The tube that carries the smoke or vapour from the bowl.

Dry Herb Vaporizer: While some vaporizers are made exclusively to vaporize oils, dry herb vaporizers are made to actually vaporize dried flower. This is an alternative consumption method to smoking dried flower.

Dugout: A small wooden box that contains two different chambers – one for a small amount of weed and one for a small pipe.


E-Nail: An electronic nail, e-nail for short, is a dabbing heating device that is controlled through digital technology. It’s a great tool for setting and maintaining a precise temperature on a dab rig, and it’s much more thorough than a traditional hand torch.

E-Rig: A rig that is battery operated and heats a nail electronically instead of using a hand torch. It’s a much better choice if you’re dabbing on the go since it’s more portable than a dab rig.

Edible: Any type of food that has been infused with cannabis. Edibles come in many forms – gummies, lollies, brownies, cookies, pasta, and pizza are a few of the most popular edible cannabis products.

Eighth: A unit of measurement for weighing weed. An eighth of an ounce is equivalent to 3.5 grams, and it’s the perfect amount for trying out a new strain.

Elixir: Basically, the same thing as an edible, only the word elixir applies to cannabis-infused beverages instead of foods. Tinctures, infused sodas, wines, teas… if it has been infused with weed and you can sip on it, it’s an elixir.

Endocannabinoid System (ECS): Endocannabinoid System is a system of neuromodulator chemicals and their receptors throughout the body involved in the regulation of appetite, pain, mood, and memory. A group of receptors that make up a complex regulatory system throughout the human brain, body, and central and peripheral nervous systems. ECS creates and maintains our body’s internal stability, or homeostasis, by adjusting the flow of neurotransmitters and regulating bodily functions, including appetite, sleep, emotion, and movement. Neurotransmitters created within the body that bind to cannabinoid receptors and help with homeostasis.

Entourage Effect: When the different compounds of cannabis work together rather than separately. For example, when CBD and THC act together and work on the same wavelength, they can boost benefits while also minimizing any negative effects.

Ethanol Hash Oil: Just like butane is used to extract butane hash oil, EHO is a type of hash oil that has been extracted using ethanol solvent.

Extract: Any type of concentrated cannabis that has been produced using some type of solvent. The most common solvents used to make a cannabis extract are butane, propane, ethanol, and supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2).

510 Cartridge Rama
Cannabis Flower Rama


Fatty: A blunt or joint that’s rolled thick and contains a large amount of weed. A fatty is perfect for the standard “puff, puff, pass” rotation since it’s large enough to share with a group.

Feminized: Feminized plants come from seeds that have been selectively bred to produce only female plants. Since female plants are the ones that produce flowers (which is where most of cannabis’ cannabinoids are found), they are the only ones that are used to create marijuana products. Feminized seeds are intended to make things easier for growers by eliminating the need to determine the sex of growing plants and remove males early on to prevent fertilization. Generally, feminized seeds produce the same quality of plants as naturally produced seeds.

Five Ten Threading: The term “510 Threading” is the threading size for most cannabis oil vaporizing cartridges and batteries available today. Because of its widespread popularity, batteries for cartridges with a 510 threading can be found at most cannabis retailers and smoke shops.

Flavonoid: Formed inside cannabis trichomes, flavonoids work with terpenes and cannabinoids to produce better aromas and flavors, and they can even boost the overall therapeutic effect.

Flower: The part of a cannabis plant that is consumed for its therapeutic qualities. The female sex organ of the cannabis plant. Cannabis flowers, in particular, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small and dense to large and fluffy. The most potent cannabis flowers are sticky to the touch, due to the high concentration of resin on the flower. The resin is not only useful for the cannabis plant in pollination but also contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids produced by cannabis plants. Flower is also known as the hairy or sticky parts of the plant which are harvested for consumption in various products, also known as the reproductive organs of the plant (CDPHE, 2016). Flower(s) Flowers are the reproductive organs of the female cannabis plant and contain (by far) the highest concentration of cannabinoids compared to other parts of the plant. Dried cannabis flower can be smoked, or used to create extracts, concentrates, and edibles. The flower of the cannabis plant is also commonly referred to as the bud. Flowers are often the “pretty” part of a plant, and the same is true for cannabis. While cannabis flowers don’t have traditional petals, they are still the reproductive organ of the female plants. Cannabis flowers are the hairy, sticky, crystal-covered bits that are harvested and dried to be used as medication. When male plants fertilize them, these flowers will produce cannabis seeds. If not, they will continue to produce the resin that contains their active cannabinoids until they are harvested or begin to die. While cannabis flowers don’t have traditional petals or look like daisies, they are still the reproductive organ of the female plants. Cannabis flowers are the hairy, sticky, crystal-covered bits that are harvested and dried to be used as medication. When they are allowed to be fertilized by male plants, these flowers will produce cannabis seeds. If not, they will continue to produce the resin that contains their active cannabinoids until they are harvested or begin to die.

Flowering Time: The period required for cannabis flowers to develop and fully ripen. Flowering time refers to the time it takes for a plant to produce mature flowers. When flowering times are reported for a strain, they are general estimates based on how the plants do on average in optimal conditions. Actual flowering times will vary, and it is up to the grower to decide when to harvest for maximum benefit. Cannabis flowering times are affected by the length of daily exposure the plant receives to sun, with the exception of the Cannabis ruderalis species, which flower automatically. When flowering times are reported for a strain, they are general estimates based on how the plants do on average in optimal conditions. Actual flowering times will vary and it is up to the grower to decide when to harvest for maximum benefit.

Full-Spectrum: When you read the words full spectrum on a cannabis product, this means that it preserves the full cannabinoid and terpene contents of the raw cannabis plant.


Ganja: Originating from the Sanskrit language, ganja was originally used to describe cannabis sativa. Now, it’s used to describe all types of weed (specifically the flower of the plant).

Genotype: A specific characteristic of a plant, the expression of which is controlled by the genes.

Germination: The process by which a new cannabis plant begins to grow from seed.

Green Out: When you drink too much alcohol, you run the risk of experiencing a “blackout”. A green out is the same concept, but it’s way less harmful than an alcohol-induced blackout. A green out can still be unpleasant, though, with side effects like nausea, paranoia, and anxiety.

Grinder: A handy little tool that is used for grinding weed down into smaller pieces to be used for joints, blunts, and bowls.

Marijuana in Orillia
Cannabis in Orillia


Half: Equivalent to a half-ounce, this is one of the most common measurements when buying weed from a dispensary. It equals 14 grams.

Hand pipe: Any pipe that is small enough for portability and does not use water.

Hash: Shortened name for hashish. Hash is a form of cannabis concentrate produced by applying heat and pressure to mature cannabis flowers. Although the origin of hashish is unknown, the first accounts of hash production included squeezing cannabis flowers by hand to collect its resin and then rolling it in one’s hands into a ball, simultaneously activating the THC in the process. Today, hash is typically smoked in a pipe or mixed in with flower in a joint or bong. Hash is perhaps the world’s oldest cannabis concentrate. Creating hash involves separation of the trichomes from the flower via filtering or sieving. The collected trichomes are then rolled or pressed into a gooey-like paste. Hash is typically smoked or dabbed. Hash is probably the oldest marijuana concentrate around and is made from the collected and compressed resin, or kief, from the leaves and flowers. More potent than smoking bud, hash offers an elevated experience for any and all smokers. Hash is usually a crude concentration of cannabis gland heads, created from sieving or filtering of dried cannabis materials.

Hash Oil: Hash/Hash Oil is a solvent extraction of cannabis. A resin extracted from cannabis or hashish, Hash is short for hashish, which is derived from cannabis plants and can be used for consumption or medication. Production involves the removal of the plant’s trichomes by sieving or filtering. Once the cannabinoid-laden powder has been collected, it is typically pressed and ready to be used. Hash ranges in potency, but is generally stronger than straight flowers since everything but the active part of the plant has been removed. A similar concentrated product can also be produced chemically using a solvent; however, this product is commonly referred to as hash oil or “honey oil.”

Haze: A well-loved Sativa strain that originates from tropical regions of the world, specifically South American and Southeast Asia. This is a good strain for daytime use since it stimulates creativity and energy.

Heirloom Strain: An heirloom refers to a cannabis strain that was taken from its native homeland and propagated in another geographical location. Heirloom cannabis refers to the rare and exotic types of cannabis genetics, typically guarded closely by their grower. Not only are heirloom cannabis strains rare, but they can also produce unique cannabinoid and flavour profiles, as well as effects. An heirloom refers to a cannabis strain that was taken from its native homeland and propagated in another geographical location.

Hemp: A product that can be produced only from the male cannabis plant, which means it has no value as a drug. However, it can be used in the manufacture of rope, paper, beauty products, and many other products.

High Terpene Full Spectrum Extract: When a full-spectrum extract is made from cannabis flowers and is given the chance to separate in a lab setting. It contains more terpenes than the High-Cannabinoid Full Spectrum Extract portion of a full-spectrum extract.

Hybrid: When a grower breeds two genetically distinct strains of cannabis together, the result is a hybrid strain. Hybridization can produce not only healthier, more robust plants but unique flavours, aromas and effects as well. Hybrid refers to a plant that is a genetic cross between one or more separate strains of cannabis. Hybrids can happen unintentionally, but they are usually bred specifically to combine desired traits of the original plants. Most marijuana on the market today is some form of hybrid. A hybrid plant or strain is a cross between two or more different strains. Usually this refers to a strain that is a combination of sativa and indica strain sources. Hybrid is a classification of cannabis that is a mixture of a sativa and indica strain; hybrids can range from indica-dominant, to 50/50 balanced, to sativa-dominant. A cross between two genetically different strains of cannabis. Hybrids can happen randomly or purposefully but are typically done to mix two or more preferred traits of a plant to make another powerful combination. Hybrid refers to a plant that is genetically a cross between one or more separate strains of cannabis. Hybrids can happen unintentionally, but they are usually bred specifically to combine desired traits of the original plants. Most marijuana on the market today is some form of hybrid.

Hydroponics: A type of growing method that does not use soil (AKA soilless growing). Instead, it keeps the roots of the plant submerged in water. It’s a more difficult technique, but when done right, it typically leads to a better end product.


Ice Wax: A type of hash that has been extracted through water and is characterized by its fineness. Ice is used in the cooling process.

Indica: The less scientific name for the Cannabis indica species of cannabis. Generally, these plants grow to be short and bushy with compact bud systems. In terms of high effects, indica produce extreme relaxation and are commonly used for sleep disorders and pain treatment.

Isolate: An isolate is the most refined and concentrated version of a desired cannabinoid. A THC isolate, for example, would be essentially 100% pure THC, with no other compounds or plant materials remaining

Isopropyl Alcohol: A common solvent used for cannabis extraction. It’s also great for cleaning rigs and bongs that are made of glass. (best to use 99% for cleaning)

marijuana orillia
pre-roll cannabis rama


Jelly Hash: A mixture of hash and hash oil. It is most often made with bubble hash and is extremely potent, especially for treating pain and nausea.

Joint: When dried, ground-up cannabis flowers are rolled into a thin sheet of rolling paper (Zig Zag, Pure Hemp, Raw, and Rizla).


Kief: Kief results from trichomes collected by sifting or tumbling dried cannabis. Kief is a collected amount of trichomes that have been separated from the rest of the marijuana flower. Since trichomes are the sticky crystals that contain the vast majority of the plant’s cannabinoids, kief is known to be extremely potent. Kief is sometimes mistakenly referred to as pollen and is the primary ingredient in hashish production. A powder that is created by shaking the crystalized trichomes off cured cannabis flowers. Kief is a collected amount of trichomes that have been separated from the rest of the marijuana flower. Since trichomes are the sticky crystals that contain the vast majority of the plant’s cannabinoids, kief is known to be extremely potent. Kief is sometimes mistakenly referred to as pollen and is the primary ingredient in hashish production. Kief, a form of cannabis concentrate, consists principally of the microscopic trichome heads present on all cannabis flowers. In fact, if you use a four-piece grinder to grind your flower, you’re naturally collecting kief on the bottom layer of the grinder. Typically, kief is mixed in with cannabis flower and smoked.

Kush: A family of hybrid cannabis strains that stem from landrace hashish originating in Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush mountain range. Kush strains are available in many varieties – Master Kush, OG Kush, Bubba Kush, Purple Kush, Hindu Kush, Afghani Kush…

keif orillia
Live Resin Rama


Landrace: A local variety of cannabis that has adapted to the environment of its location. It’s another term for wild-grown cannabis that is specific to a certain area of the world. Some examples of Landrace Strains are Hindu Kush (Pakistan), Lamb’s Bread (Jamaica), Acapulco Gold (Mexico), Durban Poison (S. Africa)….

Legalize: To change the legal status of something and go from forbidding it by law to allowing it. For example, the Canadian government officially legalized the recreational use of cannabis on October 17, 2018.

Licensed Producer (LP): A company that has received a license from Health Canada to grow, process, sell for medical purposes, test, and/or research cannabis.

Life Cycle: Cannabis plants go through two distinct cycles in their lifetime: vegetative stage (when the plant is actively growing) and flowering stage (when the plant is focusing most of its energy on producing flowers). When the plant’s light exposure falls at or below 12 hours daily, it triggers the flowering cycle.

Live Resin: A concentrate extracted from fresh cannabis plant material that was not previously dried or cured. This extraction method is popular since it retains the terpenes that are lost during the drying and curing process.

Low-Temp Dab: When a dab is taken at a low temperature, which results in a smoother, more flavourful hit.


Marijuana: The general term for female cannabis plants or their dried flowers. Male plants are not referred to as marijuana since they are unable to produce flowers that contain a high cannabinoid content.

Medical/Medicinal: The term to describe cannabis that has been recommended/prescribed by a healthcare professional as a treatment route or to help alleviate the symptoms of a medical condition.

MIP: A Marijuana-Infused Product facility that is operating legally with the proper licenses.

Micro-Dosing: A technique for employing the minimum effective dose of cannabis medicine that delivers the desired outcome or level of effect.

Moon Rock: When a nugget of cannabis flower has been dipped in extracts and rolled in kief. Moon rocks are usually very high in THC with an average of more than 50%.

Mother Plant: a cannabis plant kept in a vegetative state (not allowed to flower) so that clones may be taken to produce more plants identical to the mother.


Cannabis in Orillia
marijuana orillia


Nail: An integral piece of a dab rig that helps with vaporizing cannabis concentrates. A nail is a quartz, ceramic, or titanium insert that is heated by a hand torch or electric coil to a temperature that is capable of vaporizing concentrates that are applied to its surface.

Nectar: The process of making hash oil only from flower nugs instead of trim.

Nug: A manicured bud that has been harvested from the cannabis plant. Only high quality cannabis can be a Nug.

Nug Run: When a batch of concentrates was produced primarily with cured cannabis nugs. Using only high-quality nugs will result in potent, flavorful concentrates.


OG: A variety of strains that originates from Southern California and is popular for its medicinal benefits. Although OG (Ocean Grown) Kush is commonly used to treat pain, many users just love it for its long-lasting psychoactive effects. Many of the most popular strains are OG crosses. Pink Kush, Tahoe OG, Bubba Kush, King’s Kush and Chemdog.

Oil: Short for hash oil, but it can also be used to describe wax, shatter, or budder. Oil can be smoked, vaped, or used as the start ingredient for making edibles.

One-Hitter: A piece of weed paraphernalia that includes a small hole with a thin pipe in the shape of a cigarette and an attached box that can only store a few buds. It is only big enough for one hit, hence the name.

Open Blasting: A method for the extraction of cannabis to make a concentrated product. Open blasting takes place within a glass or metal tube and is performed without a closed-loop system. It’s dangerous and illegal since it’s unregulated and there’s a greater risk of explosion.

Ounce: A common measurement for cannabis that equates to 28 grams. Buying by the ounce is a great way to save money since dispensaries technically consider this a bulk order.

budtender rama


Pelican Case: A special carrying case for valuable fragile weed paraphernalia, like dab rigs.

Percolator: An extra water chamber common in many water pipes. This extra piece adds an extra layer of filtrations between the smoke and water before diffusing, which in turn leads to a better inhalation.

Phenotype: Phenotype is a term mostly heard when growing cannabis and refers to the general physical. A phenotype is the set of observable characteristics of a plant or animal resulting from the interaction of its genotype with the environment. In reference to cannabis, we see different phenotypes of the same genetic strain, where certain traits of that strain are encouraged, as produced by specific growing conditions. In this way, a grower can encourage a strain like Dutch Treat to produce a more indica effect, or a more sativa effect, by cultivating different growing conditions. Phenotype is a term that is heard most often in growing. It refers to the general physical characteristics of the plant such as height, colour, branching, leaf configuration down to cell structure–any markers that can be used to identify and judge the healthiness of a plant. Phenotypes are the distinct characteristics of an individual plant resulting from the interaction of the plant’s genotype with the environment in which it is raised. Phenotype is a term that is heard most often in growing. It refers to the general physical characteristics of the plant such as height, colour, branching, leaf configuration down to cell structure—any markers that can be used to identify and judge the healthiness of a plant.

Pinner: Similar to a joint, a pinner is rolled in very thin paper, but it’s rolled with little cannabis and  shape that resembles a pin.

Pistils: Pistil is the female cannabis plant sex organ. Pistils are the red, hair-like projections that emanate from cannabis flowers. Generally, pistils come in all shapes and sizes and serve as the female reproductive organ in the plant world. Pistils are part of a female plant’s anatomy. On cannabis, it’s identified as the little hair-like extensions on the flowers that range in colour from white to red to darker orange-brown. When plants are going to be fertilized, the pistil acts to collect the male pollen. When plants are left unfertilized, as in the case of marijuana, the pistils change and can be indicators of plant ripeness. Pistils are part of a female plant’s anatomy. On cannabis, it’s identified as the little hair-like extensions on the flowers that range in colour from white to red to darker orange-brown. When plants are going to be fertilized, the pistil acts to collect the male pollen. When plants are left unfertilized, as in the case of marijuana, the pistils change and can be indicators of plant ripeness.

Pot: Another informal slang word used to describe cannabis.

Pre-Roll: A joint or a blunt that has been rolled prior to purchasing by a dispensary or vendor. Buying pre-rolls is a great way to save time and it’s the go to for people who aren’t skilled at rolling joints.

Pre-Run: Cannabis flowers before they’ve been processed and extracted into an oil.

Pressed Hash: Hash that has been made from pressed resin glands through a combination of heat and pressure. It’s traditionally found in countries like Morocco, Afghanistan, and Lebanon.

Propane Hash Oil: When propane is the primary solvent used during the extraction process to make hash oil. PHO for short, this oil is characterized by its bright yellow color, which is why it’s also commonly called Propane Honey Oil.

Psychoactivity: The measure of how cannabis and other drugs affect the mind, mood, or other mental states.

Pull ‘n’ Snap: A term to describe the consistency of shatter. It’s when shatter can be stretched and pulled, but it will snap when a quick motion is applied.

cannabis washago


Quality Control: When cannabis products are closely evaluated to make sure they meet a certain level of standards for safety and quality. Members of regulated cannabis markets typically have to meet requirements in these areas: cannabinoids, terpenes, heavy metals, microbial, mycotoxins, pesticides, moisture content, water activity, and residual solvents.

Quads (AAAA): A reference to extremely high-grade, premium cannabis.

Q-Tip Tech: Cleaning the nail of a dab rig with a Q-tip to ensure freshness with every hit.

Quartz Banger: A small dish that attaches to the joint of a dab rig. It’s useful for vaporizing cannabis concentrates when it’s heated to extremely high temperatures.

cannabis joint


Raw: When a cannabis distillate is completely void of the original plant’s terpene profile, rendering it flavourless.

Reclaim: The sticky build-up that’s left behind in a dab rig after vaporizing concentrates.

Recreational: The non-medical use of cannabis. Consuming/ingesting recreational cannabis is purely to experience psychoactive effects. In almost all provinces, the legal age for recreational cannabis use is 19, except for Alberta (which is 18).

Resin: The sticky compound that is secreted by cannabis plants while flowering, containing high amounts of cannabinoids and terpenes. This term is also used to describe the sticky residue that builds up over time on the inside of a bowl.

Roach: The end of a joint that has become too small to be smoked. There’s always a bit of weed left in a roach, but it’s usually tossed for fear of burning one’s fingers. Many people save their roaches and combine the contents to make another joint or pack into a bowl.

Roach Clip: A device to hold the butt of a joint while it is burning. A device to hold the end of a joint while it is burning, typically to prevent burning your fingers.

 Rolling Papers: Smoke-able papers that are used to encase cannabis. Rolling papers come in different sizes, generally between 70 to 110 millimeters long, and are sometimes flavoured to enhance the taste experience of terpenes.

Rosin: A concentrate that is formed when heat and pressure are applied to cannabis flowers. Rosin is popular because its concentration does not require the use of external solvents.

Ruderalis: A third subspecies of the cannabis plant (in addition to indica and sativa). Ruderalis plants have a high concentration of CBD, usually 1:1 with THC.


Sativa: A subspecies of the cannabis plant that tends to grow taller than Indica (usually over 5 feet). When consumed, Sativa often produce a more cerebral high – often described as a “head high” – as opposed to physical and sedative ones that often come along with indica strains.

Sauce: A cannabis extract with a sticky, liquid-like consistency. Sauce extractions contain high levels of terpenes and are typically the most flavourful of extracts.

Schwag: A slang term for cannabis that is low in quality, usually because it contains seeds that need to be removed before smoking.

Seed-to-Sale: A phrase that refers to the entire lifespan of a cannabis plant, from the time the plant is grown until the final product is sold to the customer. Many jurisdictions now require a digital seed to sale tracking to ensure products are being legally produced and distributed.

Session: A slang name for a cannabis get-together.

Shake: The term shake refers to the collection of small pieces of the cannabis flower that break off from handling, oftentimes used in pre-rolls and edibles.

Shatter: A brittle cannabis extract also known as butane hash oil with a tendency to shatter like glass when handled roughly. Many people believe shatter to be the purest and most potent form of concentrated cannabis.

Skunk: A term used to describe a strain of cannabis that gives off a skunky, pungent odour.

Slab: A large, single piece of a cannabis concentrate.

Solvents: In the context of cannabis, solvents are the chemicals used in the extraction process when creating extract products. Commonly used solvents are butane, C02, propane, and ethanol. A solvent is any chemical used to dissolve a solid, liquid, or gas into a solution. In cannabis, a wide variety of solutions can be used to produce concentrates of varying potencies, terpene profiles, and textures. Some of the most popular solvents include butane, alcohol, and dry ice, or liquid CO2.

 Solvent-Free Extracts: the process of extracting concentrated cannabis products without the use of hydrocarbon solvents; generally speaking, the only “solvents” utilized in this process include heat, pressure, time, water, and ice.

Spliff: A joint that has been rolled with a mixture of cannabis and tobacco. This is a common way of smoking, since spliffs are easier to roll and they help to conserve weed supply.

Strain: The term strain refers to the flower’s particular variety – Sour Diesel, Northern Lights, GG (AKA:Gorilla Glue), etc. Strains are usually divided into 3 categories: indica, sativa, and hybrid.

Sugar: A word used to define a texture that is common in extracts. A “sugary” extract is identified by its viscous, grainy, and wet quality. Sugar is typically used like any other extract and is popular for its high terpene profile.

Synergy: When the cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids of a plant work in conjunction with each other for a better balance of effects.

Cannabis Seeds
Shatter Rama


Taffy: A term used to describe a certain type of texture in rosin concentrates. Rosin that has a malleable, taffy-like consistency is popular since it is easy to dab.

Terp Sauce: The terpene-rich, syrupy layer that typically surrounds diamonds, or crystalline structures, in the sauce.

Terpenes: The organic compounds in cannabis that are responsible for providing a variety of unique aromas and flavours. They are formed inside the trichomes of the plant and interact directly with cannabinoids for a more intense experience.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): The most recognized cannabinoid in the entire cannabis plant. THC is known for creating intoxicating and psychoactive effects – it’s the thing that ultimately gets you high. It also has some major therapeutic benefits when used properly.

Tincture: Cannabis in liquid form. Tincture products are made by dissolving cannabis in alcohol or glycerin and are contained within small glass bottles.

Toke: Slang term for a single puff of cannabis smoke or vapour.

Top Shelf: Just like top-shelf liquor, top-shelf cannabis is a high-quality product often priced to be the most expensive on a menu. These products will generally have an aesthetically pleasing structure, demonstrate desirable terpene aromas and flavours, and have a high cannabinoid content.

Topical: Any type of topical cannabis product (lotion, salve, ointment, balm) that has been infused with cannabis and can be applied directly to the skin. Topicals are utilized for fast-acting localized relief of inflammation and pain, especially those containing CBD.

Torch: Short for dab torch, this is a tool that utilizes propane or butane to create an uninterrupted flame that can be used to heat up a banger or dab nail.

Trichome: The crystallized glands on a marijuana plant that are responsible for producing resin. Trichomes contain the majority of a plant’s cannabinoids.

Trim: The excess plant material that’s leftover after harvesting and trimming the buds. Many people assume that this leftover product is useless, but it can still be used to make extractions, tinctures, hash, and edibles.


Vape Pen: A smaller, more portable version of a vaporizer. This handheld device has become extremely popular since it makes vaping possible on the go. Some cannabis users prefer vaping over smoking since it outputs vapor instead of harsh smoke.

Vaporizer: Any device that utilizes heat to vaporize the active molecules in cannabis flowers and concentrates. Vaporizers come in many shapes and sizes, but nowadays, most are made to be portable. Vaping is viewed as a less harmful alternative to smoking.

Venturi Chamber: Glass structure that spins, cools, and aerates cannabis smoke for a much smoother hit.


Water Pipe: A water pipe is any device that filters cannabis smoke through water. Bongs, chalices, bubblers and hookahs would all be examples of a water pipe. A Device for filtering cannabis smoke through water, also called a bong, chalice, or hookah. A pipe with a chamber large enough to be filled with water.

 Wax: A cannabis concentrate that is made by dissolving the plant into a solvent. Compared to smoking regular flowers, wax is considered much stronger since it packs a powerful punch of THC with every hit.

Weed: One of the most common slang words for describing marijuana. This is the informal word of choice used interchangeably with “cannabis” and “marijuana” by people around the world.

Winterization: A common process used to remove fats, waxes, and lipids from extracts. It helps to purify crude flavours and improve the overall quality and flavour of an extracted oil. The downside of winterization is that it destroys more terpenes than other purification methods.


Zip: Another term for an ounce of dried flowers.

Rama Cannabis Topicals
Cannabis Oil Extracts
Vape Rama